MS. 209
203/213 Mare Street
London E8 3LY


is a limited company registered in England and Wales with the number 13409271

We don't know how each project will look like. Our approach to buildings and places is based on a need to understand the world around us. Why is this corner like this? What was here before? What can you see when you come down that street? What do people want? We avoid the language of the architect or the developer and try to speak the language of everyday life. We use sophisticated technology, BIM, parametric tools, but also cardboard, cork and paint. We thrive on finding for each project, from large masterplans to ice-cream kiosks, the ideas and motifs that bring them to life, on solving difficult design problems with creativity and flair.

A IS FOR ___ was founded in 2021 by Duarte Lobo Antunes and Jack William Taylor who worked together at ACME on the Folkestone Seafront development. Duarte studied at Porto University School of Architecture and then spent six years at Herzog & De Meuron in Basel, Switzerland. Jack studied at the Glasgow School of Art and went on to work with Sauerbruch Hutton in Berlin. We are currently a team of nine working on a variety of residential, commercial and cultural projects in the UK and Europe

As a team we are deeply committed to each other’s wellbeing, to working collaboratively and fostering a nurturing and creative environment. This extends to all our collaborators and clients, and it ultimately shows in our work.